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Дръжка intake на Андреа Морганте

  2. Архитектурен обков DND Италия


Дръжка intake, DND Martinelli
Дръжка intake, хром, DND Martinelli
Дръжка intake, черно, DND Martinelli
Дръжка intake, бяло, DND Martinelli
Портална дръжка intake, DND Martinelli
Дръжка intake, хром, DND Martinelli
Дръжка intake, хром, DND Martinelli
Музей Enzo Ferrari в Модена

Дръжка intake на Андреа Морганте

Дръжка за врата модел intake на италианската компания DND.

Солидна като материя, пластична като форма, уникална като конструкция.

Създадена специално за Музея на Enzo Ferrari в Модена, Италия.

Вдъхновена и сътворена с почит към най-добрия автомобилен дизайн.

Дизайн: Andrea Morgante (Андреа Морганте)


A tribute to the Italian car design.

Designed for the Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena, solid in terms of material, sculptural in terms of form, in a tribute to the finest automotive design.

The Intake handle was born from the study of all the architectural elements of the Casa Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena, in order to fit in harmoniously, as an object with a unique character.

Both in architecture and in automotive, the handle is the first part to be touched by the user. The shape of Intake recall the gesture of using a lever and it was developed to emphasize the tactile experience with a building.

Since 2011 among Dnd’s avant-garde projects for materials and production techniques.


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